Guitar lessons are for all ages and abilities from complete beginners to advanced players. The aim is simple: Help you become the best musician possible, learning the way that best suits you.
60 minutes - £50 30 minutes - £30
To ensure your lessons has everything you need and can give you the highest quality experience all Guitar lessons and Bass lessons are taught from the comfort of a purpose built, air conditioned and fully equipped studio in Great Cornard, Sudbury, Suffolk.
Whats your goal?
Grade exams, learning songs, music theory, or simply improving your general technique, everything is built around you.
Detailed TAB/notation and summary notes and audio and video recording can be provided for every lesson to aid your practice and development between lessons. Any questions you have in-between sessions? Students are always encourage to get in touch via email or phone anytime to keep the learning moving forward.
Cancelations - lessons cancelled less than 24hrs prior will be charge at the full rate.
If you can travel for any reason don’t let that stop you learning. All you need is your guitar and your computer with a free Skype or Zoom account.
Watch the online lesson video guide HERE.
Karl can guide you through all the material and write TAB/Notation for you live on screen swell as stream songs and audio as needed just like a lesson in person.
After the lessons all materials are provided via email.
If you can’t make a face to face lessons or a live online lesson, how about a personal prerecorded lessons on a topic or song you need help with?
It could be a one off or a series of videos to help you with your certain aspects of your guitar playing. Each and every video is personalised to you just like any live lesson.
Watch an example lesson recorded for a student for the song ‘I Don’t Care ’ by Fall Out Boy click here.
Not sure what to expect? In the first lesson we'll discuss your musical interests, background and goals with as much playing squeezed in between as possible!
Your first lesson is all about building a picture of you as a student and to create a structured plan to help you achieve your goals based on your current level of ability and interests. As a result every lesson is focused, fun and rewarding.
You might already have your own instrument, one which you might have been fired up to go buy or maybe one that been handed down to you. If so then great! Bring it along with you. If you want to get started now but don't yet have your own instrument, don't let it hold you back from getting started.
For students just getting started everything required can be provided for you. The teaching studio has full and half size electric and acoustic guitars, amps and leads that your welcome to use.
If you need specific help and advice on purchasing that first instrument then don't hesitate to ask.
Please visit the FAQ page for some helpful advice and things to consider when getting started with your Guitar, Bass or Drum lessons.
Guitar exams aren't for everyone, but be assured that if you decide to tackle the challenge students have a 100% pass rate in grade and A level exams achieving high Merit and Distinction awards on all three major exam boards: Rockschool, Trinity Rock/Pop and RGT.
Please note - Graded exams are formal way to measure your playing development and help to collect valuable UCAS points at top grade levels. Taking grade exams is not compulsory. It is down you as individual to undertake exams and which syllabus you work from.
Perhaps you and a friend would like to have lessons together? or may your three children would like to start learning?
If so, then pairs or group tuition may suit your needs better. Save time and money and get the enjoyment of playing and learning with others. When considering this format please note that it is more effective if all students are roughly at the same skills/knowledge level.
Want to discuss your personal requirements requirements, then get in touch